Friday, 25 November 2011

4th International Workshop "Expression without Text" by Aurélia David

Expression without Text
Human Voice and Body in Liberty

This one day intensive workshop is designed to give training on how the human body and voice can be used to give meaning and convey message. The learning of “Grammelot”, the French term for a style of language in satirical theatre, will be one of the interesting elements of this workshop.

Who can apply?
Anybody who enjoys theatre and wants to discover it further. No prior acting experience is required.
International Workshops are free but exclusively for the members of Fanatika Theatre Club. You can become Fanatika Theatre Club member and have free access to Regular and International Workshops. As a member, you will enjoy a 25% flat discount on all the paid workshops and will have free and privileged seats for all Fanatika performances.

The registrations are open till Saturday, 10 December 2011. Please register at the reception desk of Alliance Française (079-26401551/26560271).