Fanatika Diwali Dinner is organised on 30 October 2013 at Cafe Le Rendez-Vous, Alliance Francaise d'Ahmedabad from 7:00 pm onwards. The dinner will be preceded by the screening of play or a documentary on theatre or a small performance will be staged for the members. The members can bring along their spouse or a friend.
The Fanatika Diwali Dinner has always been the best occasion for thespians in Ahmedabad to get-together and know each other well. The festivities also result in exchanging a lot of fresh ideas for new or ongoing theatre projects.
The dinner charges are Rs. 250/- per head (for Fanatika members).
For confirming your presence, call (+91)9723452425 or write to
Please confirm your presence and whether you will be accompanied by 4:00 pm on Monday, 28 October 2013.