International Workshops

Forum Theatre Workshop (9th International Workshop), 4-5 May 2013 by Flavien Lafosse

Fanatika Theatre club organises International Workshops by inviting artists from different countries who are specialist of their field and who have been practising for long time. This international workshops are open only to the members of FTC.

So far, artists from France, U.S. and Switzerland have trained theatre enthusiasts through Fanatika.

This combination of two workshops offered by Ms. Elsa Bourdin and Ms. Cassandre Boy began by an introductory exposure on the contemporary art scene in the world. The focus was on the contemporary Indian artists. Both the French tutors had recently visited the on-going exhibition "Paris-Delhi-Bombay" in Paris and Lyon which showcased contemporary artworks from France and India.

After the introduction, the workshop continued to concentrate on developing the concept and on experimenting with the material to come without strong expressions. Participants worked with different materials including paper, cloth, colours, plastic, metal, foils, ink, plaster, etc.

A bilingual certificate was given to all the successful participants.

International Workshops organised by Fanatika:

March 2014
Forum Theatre by Cathy Lumale and Flavien Lafosse (France)

May 2013
Forum Theatre by Flavien Lafosse (France)

January 2013
"Invisible Cities" by Nathalie Mentha (Switzerland)

March 2012
Music in Theatre by Nathalie Mentha (Switzerland)

February 2012
Theatre of the Street by Chloé Varailhon (France)

December 2011
Expression without Text: Human Voice and Body in Liberty by Aurélia David (France)

July 2011
Set Design for Theatre by Cassandre Boy (United States of America)
Costume Design for Theatre by Elsa Bourdin (France)

February 2011
Importance and Aspects of Lights in Theatre by Bernard Marescot (France)

September 2010
Improvisation in Acting by Julien Mulot (France)